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Pa. police investigate 911 call of hostage hoax

Police and a SWAT team surrounded a house after receiving a 911 call from a man who claimed to have stabbed his girlfriend and have two children tied up

By Ed Palattella
Erie Times-News

CORRY, Pa. — Police here are questioning one man as they investigate what police said was the false report of a hostage situation at house on Mead Avenue this morning.

No one was injured in the incident, in which S.W.A.T. crews from the city of Erie helped surround the house, police said.

The incident started at about 5 a.m., when Erie County 911 reported receiving a call from a man who claimed to have a shotgun and to have stabbed his girlfriend and have two children tied up.

Corry police and state police responded to the call by surrounding the house on Mead Avenue with the help of the Erie S.W.A.T. team, Corry Police Chief Rich Shopene said.

He said two adults and a 17-year-old exited the house and said they had no idea what was going on. He said the police are questioning one man as part of the investigation.

Police cleared the scene about 8:15 a.m.


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