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Five options for exchanging the SGA for an endotracheal tube
From vocal cords to alveoli, and mmHg to Lpm: Test your airway knowledge
Help student paramedics identify CHF, Curare cleft and ROSC in capnography waveforms, and develop a treatment plan
Test your knowledge on hyperventilation, hypoventilation and reactive airway disease capnography waveforms
We are limited on the amount of objective information available during prehospital care; don’t ignore this vital piece of the puzzle
Common respiration pathologies and those that impair ventilation
A detailed patient history and physical examination inform this diagnosis of exclusion after a brief resolved unexplained event (BRUE)
Understanding the pathophysiology of difficulty breathing and different methods of delivering airway pressure
Three significant consequences of routine, excessive oxygen administration
In some cases, our medical monitoring equipment alert is the precursor to a rapidly deteriorating patient who appears normal
Preventing aerosol-generating procedures while treating prehospital COVID-19 patients
Application of an EtCO2 sampling device and waveform monitoring, especially during bag-valve mask ventilation, is well within the capability of EMTs
Our co-hosts discuss airway management and its important role in EMS, including common misconceptions and the standard all providers should strive for
Understand the role of pulse oximetry and waveform capnography to assess and treat patients who are hyperventilating
A study of over 5,000 intubations demonstrates the value of continuous quality improvement
When a patient’s life is in your hands, you need to know the risk factors, signs and symptoms of PE
Recognize the signs and symptoms of pneumonia and understand how capnography can be used to guide treatment for pneumonia and sepsis.
Capnography is a tool to monitor ventilation and perfusion in ill and injured patients
It is important to differentiate tension pneumothorax from conditions with similar symptoms, and to avoid performing inappropriate needle decompression
We asked EMS1 readers to share their knowledge and use of capnography during patient care
What are the causes of the patient’s distress and what treatments are indicated?
What are the causes of the patient’s distress and what treatments are indicated?
Capnography is a tool to monitor ventilation and perfusion in ill and injured patients