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Understand how respiratory monitoring devices can be used to guide treatment during and after seizures
Unvalidated third-party lines may lead to inaccurate results and other problems
From assessing to intervening, this quiz covers vital airway management scenarios to ensure you’re equipped to handle emergencies confidently.
Five options for exchanging the SGA for an endotracheal tube
From vocal cords to alveoli, and mmHg to Lpm: Test your airway knowledge
Help student paramedics identify CHF, Curare cleft and ROSC in capnography waveforms, and develop a treatment plan
Put your rales, rhonchi and stridor expertise to the test
“GCS <8; intubate” may be endangered, but not totally deserving of extinction
Video: Watch all of the elements of the chain of survival come together
Waveform capnography provides a non-invasive, accurate assessment of a patient’s ventilatory status
Assessing for the 5 things that can kill people emergently when they suffer major trauma
Another tool in the diagnostician’s briefcase
Dr. Joelle Donofrio-Odmann discusses diseases of the upper and lower airways
An initial visual assessment can identify threats to you and your patient before you narrow down a differential diagnosis
Takeaways from the 90-plus posters on display at this year’s National Association of EMS Physicians annual meeting
Learn what the guidelines say about titration, selecting a sedation agent and monitoring sedation
Always keep the patient’s context in mind in any situation when you’re utilizing waveform capnography
Going back to the basics ensures a smooth EtCO2 reading and creates a calming environment for both the patient and provider
Exploring the limitations of lung auscultation and pulse oximetry
Communicating with law enforcement and following these clinical guidelines will help to keep patient safety first and foremost
The negative association between number of airway attempts and neuro-intact survival following OHCA
Preparing for the most stressful call you can receive: pediatric cardiorespiratory arrest
Examining the evidence for managing intubation attempts, PEA and ETCO2 for out of hospital cardiac arrest
It’s not all about breathing rates: hypercapnia risk factors and complications
Four distinct events must occur in order for an anaphylactic reaction to manifest
Vodcast: Drs. Peter Antevy, Mark Piehl and David Spiro discuss multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children and the newest PALS guidelines
Flail chest, tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade and pulmonary contusion have unique presentations, but all jeopardize vital functions
5 ways to protect the patient during mechanical ventilation
The NAEMSP Discussion Forum debates EMT training, capnography considerations