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Paramedic Chief

Produced in partnership with NEMSMA, Paramedic Chief: Best Practices for the Progressive EMS Leader provides the latest research and most relevant leadership advice to EMS managers and executives. From emerging trends to analysis and insight, practical case studies to leadership development advice, Paramedic Chief is packed with useful, valuable ideas you simply can’t get anywhere else.

The network is expected to provide better information on scene and the ability to provide electronic patient records to hospitals while in transit
if financial incentives cannot be aligned with the right thing to do for the patient, what has to give?
EMS, fire and police came together for a conference on information sharing and collaboration to better keep responders and victims safe
If you’re considering attending — and I heartily encourage you to — the following information might prove helpful
Too often, leaders get caught up in leading the technical and operational aspects of change and don’t budget time and energy for leading the people
The new rules include stricter procedures for landing in remote areas or flying in poor weather, equipping helicopters with additional safety devices and improving pilot training
The annual gathering of medical directors also explored ways to cardiac arrestsurvival rates and touched on community paramedicine
EMS Week began in 1974; here’s how to get your community to issue a proclamation celebrating the men and woman providing care on the front line
Sudden cardiac arrest survival rate is also stuck at 10 percent, and fewer children are dying in car crashes, according to recent studies
Allina Health EMS serves 1 million people in Minnesota, and it’s leader has never lost sight of why he got into the business in the first place