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Nancy Magee

Redesigning Volunteer EMS

Nancy Magee combines a business woman’s perspective on marketing, efficiency and customer service with an EMS volunteer’s heart. Nancy, a Connecticut native, now resides in Louisiana and offers her Volunteer Survival Series workshops and consulting services through MEDIC Training Solutions to agencies across the country. Contact Nancy at

Hire EMS providers with the experience, positive attitude and maturity to help your volunteer service be excellent in its commitment to the community
Not billing for EMS patient transport leaves money in the pockets of insurance companies and government programs created to pay for ambulance transport
To move out of crisis mode and on from dire consultant studies, volunteer EMS needs less analysis and more action
Volunteer EMS agencies can be the best option for 911 services in many areas, but response must be guaranteed
All caregivers can find solace in small victories and salvation in providing comfort to those who are suffering
Pay members if you want to become a paid service, otherwise use these tips to recognize and motivate your EMS volunteers
Remove obstacles, follow through and invite people to become part of a caring and dedicated community organization
Real ideas for any volunteer EMS agency to deliver valuable, measurable and appreciated service to the community
The expectations of EMS volunteers often don’t match the reality of being an EMT or assure long-term survival for the organization
Volunteers have an obligation to move the EMS profession forward by being informed, engaged, and involved