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NEMSMA Executive Committee Update for 2017

On January 1, 2017, Vince Robbins began his term as NEMSMA President. Mike Touchstone, now serving as the Immediate Past President will continue in that role for the next two years. Brian LaCroix, the President Elect, will begin his two-year term as President on January 1, 2019. Vince officially stepped into his new role on January 9, 2019 chairing the first NEMSMA Board of Directors’ meeting of 2017. One of the first items on the agenda was to elect the Secretary and Treasurer of the Board. Ryan Greenberg and Sean Caffery were both unanimously re-elected to continue to serve as the Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

After the meeting, Vince Robbins said, “Both Sean and Ryan have been great assets to NEMSMA in the past and I am confident that they will continue to make important contributions to the association.” Congratulations to Ryan Greenberg and Sean Caffrey.

NEMSMA Executive Committee 2017-2019

President - Vince Robbins

President Elect - Brian LaCroix

Immediate Past President - Mike Touchstone

Secretary - Ryan Greenberg

Treasurer - Sean Caffrey

National EMS Management Association (NEMSMA)

The Mission of the National EMS Management Association (NEMSMA) is to “Educate, advocate, and credential the EMS leader, while guiding the evolution of the profession of Paramedicine.” for more information.