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Ariz. to provide new path for asthma relief for students

School staff members will be able to administer asthma medication to students instead of having to call a parent or send the child to an emergency room

Associated Press

TUCSON, Ariz. — A University of Arizona public health expert says recently approved state legislation will help students with asthma get help when experiencing respiratory distress at school.

The legislation will allow authorized school staff members to administer asthma medication to students instead of having to call a parent to get an inhaler or send the child to an emergency room.

Albuterol inhalers are a prescription medicine and the legislation allows doctors to prescribe it to a school rather than an individual student so trained school employees then can administer the medication.

Dr. Lynn Gerald says her research found that most children with asthma lack quick relief at school because they forgot medication, can’t afford it., ran out or the medication expired.

The bill takes effect 90 days after the current legislation ends.