As a service to its members, NAEMT will be offering training programs in the following areas:
-- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning;
-- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Implications for the Fire Service;
-- Pulse Oximetry and Co-Oximetry for First Responders and EMTs; amd
-- Non-invasive Respiratory Gas Monitoring for Paramedics
Particularly at this time of year, emergency medical services providers may be encountering calls of this nature. These training programs address a knowledge gap in the areas of carbon monoxide poisoning and non-invasive respiratory gas monitoring for EMS workers. Bryan Bledsoe, DO, FACEP, EMT-P, authored the programs, which are endorsed by the International Association of Fire Fighters, the National Association of EMS Educators and the International Association of Flight Paramedics. Each program has a matching PowerPoint presentation, an instructor guide and a student workbook.
For more information, visit
The programs can also be found on the EMS1 Educational Curriculum section.