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Chandler Fire adopts “cool” new drug case

Clima-Tech is the only temperature controlled portable EMS drug case

Chandler, AZ - Chandler Fire Department is the first fire department in the state of Arizona to purchase and use in the field a new portable temperature controlled drug case. Adopting the Clima-Tech Portable Temperature Control Case, the only one of its kind, is significant because it allows for proper transport of emergency medicines on rescue and emergency calls. Before Clima-Tech, paramedics would have to temporarily remove their drug cases from their temperature controlled environments to respond to emergencies. And, therefore, drugs would be exposed to heat, which can change the efficacy of the drugs. The Clima-Tech portable drug case allows emergency medical services to comply with pharmaceutical manufacturer recommendations that most medications be stored between 59 – 85 degrees at all times.

Without Clima-Tech, drugs can be compromised in certain scenarios such as when a paramedic steps outside into extreme Arizona heat with their medications in tow, or when a rescue or call involves a lengthy extrication or significant time on-scene.

Clima-Tech’s internal temperature regulating system keeps drugs cool for up to three hours on rechargeable battery power. The case can also be plugged in using 12 volt vehicle power or 110 volt standard power. “With the Clima-Tech case, we can support drug manufacturer recommendations by keeping our drugs at the right temperature at all times, regardless of most outside temperatures,” says Paul Nies, Chandler Fire Department EMS Battalion Chief. The Clima-Tech case can heat and cool up to 50 degrees off ambient temperature. “Citizens of Chandler are better served because the medications administered by our firefighters are properly stored and maintained at all times,” adds Nies.

The Clima-Tech Temperature Controlled Case is manufactured by Thomas EMS, a Utah based company that manufactures a range of emergency medical supplies, specializing in equipment transport, storage, and patient safety equipment. “EMS drug temperature compliance is a tough issue, especially in a state like Arizona, where temperature extremes are seen in both summer and winter,” says Brandon Hodges, President of Thomas EMS, about Chandler Fire’s decision to use Clima-Tech. “Chandler Fire is setting a great example.”

For more information about Chandler Fire Department services visit And, for details about the Clima-Tech case and Thomas EMS, visit