May 2014 – Chicopee, MA Iron Duck is proud to announce a new partnership with the RI Disaster Medical Assistance Team / RI Medical Reserve Corps (RI DMAT/MRC) to support their Naloxone Overdose and Prevention Education Program (NOPE-RI). Iron Duck designed a custom carry case and laminated instruction card for the NOPE-RI program to support the RI State Police in their effort to deploy Naloxone to every RI State Trooper. It is believed that the RI State Police is the first State level Law Enforcement Agency to fully deploy Narcan. “I am pleased that we could be part of this monumental initiative to save lives.” said Brooke A. Lawrence, Vice President of Sales & Marketing at Iron Duck, a native Rhode Islander. “NOPE-RI is an important program using new innovative ideas to help solve the opioid overdose epidemic in RI” Lawrence added.
NOPE-RI volunteers provided training to every sworn RI Trooper on the recognition of an opioid overdose, the administration of Narcan via a nasal atomizer and rescue breathing. The training was provided at no cost to help bring an end of opioid overdoses in RI. Over 120 Rhode Islanders have died, from opioid overdoses, since December 2013. “It is our mission to leverage our long standing partnerships to increase awareness and provide resources to stop the epidemic of Opioid Overdoses” said Erin McDonough RI Medical Reserve Corps Coordinator and NOPE-RI concept creator. “This is a great illustration of Public - Private partnerships coming together to meet a common objective” McDonough added.
About NOPE-RI Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death for adults in Rhode Island, claiming multiple lives each week. The Naloxone and Overdose Prevention Education Program of Rhode Island, NOPE-RI, is a program of the RI Disaster Medical Assistance Team and Medical Reserve Corps (RI DMAT/MRC) whose mission is to leverage the RI DMAT/MRC volunteer base to provide opioid overdose prevention education and support movement building. They recruit, train, and deploy volunteers to educate Rhode Islanders about addiction, overdose prevention, and the use of the naloxone (Narcan).
About IRON DUCK Iron Duck is the world’s leading provider of sewn products and immobilization equipment to the emergency medical, firefighting and law enforcement markets. This is achieved through a commitment to fulfilling the needs of our customers, producing the finest products, and providing exceptional service in an environment and culture conducive to the enrichment of the company, employees and community.