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Aussie medic cleared of rape, fights for job back

By Sarah-Jane Collins and Kate Hagan
The Age
Copyright 2008 The Age

MELBOURNE, Australia — A paramedic controversially sacked a year ago over allegations he sexually assaulted a drug-affected young woman in the back of an ambulance faces a fight to get his job back after a jury cleared him today.

Simon Paul Howe, 33, was vindicated yesterday when a County Court jury found him not guilty of digitally raping and indecently assaulting a woman, 23, after she was ejected from city nightclub Bubble.

But within an hour of the verdict, the Metropolitan Ambulance Service said Mr Howe would not be reinstated.

“I’ve declared my innocence throughout and today it’s been proven in a court of law and justice has been served,’' Mr Howe said outside court.

The woman accused Howe of putting his hand down her pants in the back of the ambulance, as a trainee paramedic drove them to the Royal Melbourne hospital about 6am on November 5, 2006.

A blood test conducted by police revealed she was under the influence of amphetamines (speed), methamphetamines (ice), and GHB at the time.

She told the court she had snorted speed about 11.30pm the previous evening but believed her drink was spiked with other drugs. The woman said she was “out of it’’ after having the drink and had only a hazy recollection of what followed.

During the three-day trial, Peter Morrissey, for Howe, described the allegations as “weird’’ and said Howe was trying to restrain the woman who was thrashing her legs and arms around and masturbating loudly throughout the ambulance ride and at the hospital.

Howe was suspended after the woman reported the allegations to police and was sacked in February last year, sparking a bitter industrial row.

As the jury returned their verdict yesterday the court was packed with Mr Howe’s supporters.
ntsD _ friends and colleagues who never doubted his innocence.
But Mr Howe now faces an uphill battle to be reinstated at the Metropolitan Ambulance Service.

Within an hour of the verdict, Metropolitan Ambulance Service (MAS) spokeswoman Christine Paterson said Mr Howe would not get his job back.

“Simon Howe will not be reinstated to his former position as a paramedic with MAS, following today’s court verdict,’' the statement said. “At the time of his dismissal, MAS made it clear that its decision to dismiss Mr Howe was entirely separate from upcoming court proceedings and was not based on his guilt or otherwise of criminal charges.’'

But Mr Howe told The Age he would continue to fight for his job.

“As they’ve taken their stance, I’ll be fighting and there’s no reason I shouldn’t have my job back,’' he said.

He said paramedics were concerned about the consequences of the MAS decision: “If you’ve proven in a court of law that you’ve done nothing wrong and still not have a job at the end of it, that’s something that every paramedic is now walking around cautiously with.’'

State secretary of the Ambulance Employees Association, Steve McGhie, said the MAS pressured Mr Howe to incriminate himself and then fired him unfairly.

"(He) has had an exemplary employment record after six-and-a-half years in the ambulance service,’' Mr McGhie said.
“He’s been found innocent and he should be reinstated.’'

Mr McGhie said the union would support Mr Howe in taking the fight to the arbitration commission.

“We think we’re on strong ground and we will fight this one out until we get his job back or we get some sort of settlement for Mr Howe.’'