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Teen seeks EMT who helped save her 13 years ago

Haskew still has a scar from the accident and still calls the EMT her hero, who stayed with her all night at the hospital until he knew that she’d be OK

By Julia Reynolds

JASPER COUNTY, Ga. — A Jasper County teenager is trying to find a paramedic who saved her life 13 years ago.

Alyssa Haskew was six years old at the time and lived in Spalding County when the accident occurred.

“My youngest son and a little boy across the street had knocked the car out of gear and my daughter opened the door and tried to stop it and it drug her underneath,” said Melissa Coursey, Alyssa’s daughter. Haskew still has a scar from the incident. She said that she doesn’t remember the doctor or nurses who helped her, but she still calls the EMT her hero. He stayed with her all night at the hospital, until 400 stitches later, he knew that she’d be OK.

Full story: Teen seeks EMT who helped save her 13 years ago

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