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UK patient in fall from ambulance

The woman was being taken to her local hospital

The Express

GLASGOW, Scotland — Police yesterday launched an inquiry after a woman fell from the back of a moving ambulance The woman, known only as Hilda, was being taken to her local hospital, in Dunoon, Argyll, at around 8.30pm on Thursday.

She was later transferred to the Southern General Hospital, in Glasgow, where her condition was described yesterday as “serious”.

A spokesman for the Scottish Ambulance Service said: “We are co-operating fully with Strathclyde Police in this matter and have instigated an internal investigations.”

Sources revealed the woman is a regular at the Oak Bank Hotel, near her home in Sandbank.

One woman said: “She stepped out of the back of the ambulance as it drove along and hit her head on the road. She was seriously hurt.”

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