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Is your agency prepared for the aftermath of an EMP or ‘grid collapse’?

How will your agency provide emergency services when there is no electricity, vehicles will not run, and the telephone system is completely down?


By Dennis Porter

Recently there has been a new round of interest concerning the need to protect our nation from an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack, or a similar scenario, that would cause the collapse of our national electric grid.

A recent article in Homeland Security Today featured Dr. Vincent Peter Pry, a member of the congressional EMP Commission and executive director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, said that such an attack could “collapse all the other critical infrastructures—communications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water—necessary to sustain modern society…” Dr. Pry has [EMP and grid failure] warned Congress that if they do not pass the SHIELD Act, which would harden our grid system, our country could experience a total grid blackout.

Despite the EMP commission’s recommendation, Congress has rejected the notion that there is any creditable danger of an EMP attack.

Read full story: Is Your Agency Prepared for the Aftermath of an EMP or “Grid Collapse”?

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