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Randall W. Hanifen, PhD, CFO, FIFireE

Dr. Randall W. Hanifen is an assistant chief of operations for West Chester (OH) Fire, an associate professor at the American Public University’s Emergency Management Program, adjunct professor at University of Cincinnati, and CEO of a national fire service consulting company. Randall serves as the executive director of a regional special operations team, a former taskforce leader for FEMA’s Ohio Task Force 1 US&R team, vice-president of the Institution of Fire Engineers-USA Branch, and is the chair of IAFC Company Officers Section.

He serves as a member of NFPA 1021 Fire Officer Professional Qualifications standard and NFPA 1026 Incident Management committees. Randall is credentialed as a Chief Fire Officer by the Center for Public Safety Excellence and has been accepted as a fellow to the Institution of Fire Engineers. He is the associate author of the textbook “Disaster Planning and Control” (2009). Randall has provided presentations and trainings for the Ohio Fire Chief’s Association, Fire Rescue International, Emergency Management Institute, and is a contract instructor for the NFA, teaching courses in the Executive and Managing Fire Officer Programs. He has a BS in Fire Administration, an MS in Fire Service Executive Leadership and a PhD in Executive Management of Homeland Security. Randall can be reached at

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