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AEDs for Churches Available for under $1,000.00

The Initial Life Support Foundation has established a special program to help place automated external defibrillators in more houses of worship and thus provide parishioners and congregants with protection from premature cardiac death. Through the Foundation’s program, churches and other religious organizations are eligible to purchase a brand new AED device priced under $1,000. Moreover, the Foundation offers assistance to participating local EMS and/or Fire Services (or individual service members) so that they can help set up and effectively manage AED programs in these local faith based institutions.

Despite tremendous advances in resuscitation medicine and community emergency services’ best efforts, the percentage of “out of hospital” initiated, successful “saves” continue to be very low. For those who sustain sudden cardiac arrest the medical evidence is very clear: the sooner they are defibrillated the better their chance of many more years of productive and loving life. Putting AEDs in community gathering places - where properly prepared and supported ordinary people can use them - is a growing and stunning success story with cardiac arrest survival rates as high as 50-75% when an AED is used.

However, the growing number of incidences when an an AED is available but not used is a growing concern. “Having an AED and a CPR card is not enough,” cautions Foundation Executive Director and and former Director of EMS in New Yorl City, Frank Poliafico, RN. “AEDs don’t save lives...AED programs do”, he added, “and the most successful AED programs have been those managed, supported and/or operated by local EMS and or Fire Service professionals – either as individuals or as part of a community wide departmental effort.”

The Initial Life Support Foundation provides thosre who establish and manage AED programs with a variety of services and resources to help make emergency medical preparedness and effective onsite care more widely available. The Foundation was established in 2002 as the AED Instructor Foundation and change its name in to 2006 to help put focus on the proper use of AEDs not just thier acquisition. Initially funded by a grant from ZOLL Medical, the nonprofit Foundation is now funded by nominal “membership fees” and modest contributions from several corporate sponsors. To learn more about its many services or to become an individual or organization Affiliate, go to

Thanks to the cooperation of several AED manufacturers, four different AED brands/models are currently available. Please contact the Foundation directly at 800-572-2227 if you have any questions about acquiring deeply discounted, new AEDs for houses of worship or other eligible entities in your community. The Initial Life Support Foundation would like to work with all interested organization to help “protect hearts and brains too good to die.”