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EMS1 Community Q&A

The EMS1 Community Q&A section features EMTs and paramedics answering questions from “Why don’t paramedics run to patients?”, to “What medic habits can’t you shake?” From the lighthearted, to the clinical, we’ve asked and you’ve answered.

Have a question you’d like to ask the EMS1 audience? Email us at

EMS habits die hard, even when you’re off duty; what are some that follow you off the clock?
Vaccines are not just for kids; take this quiz to find out which vaccines you may need
No one likes a phony, especially when it comes to lying about service
An ALS instructor shares her experiences performing CPR and what to expect
EMS1 readers share their non-clinical interests, subjects for further study and their biggest job-related concerns
EMS1 readers sound off on an ‘EMS Bingo’ card news story and what it means for the EMS profession
If you haven’t already, be sure to add your most disturbing memory in the comment section
Check it out and add your own thoughts in the comments
Check it out and add your own thoughts in the comments
Don’t see a habit you have? Add it in the comments!