By EMS1 Staff
CHAFFEE, Mont.— An off-duty paramedic driving by the scene of a car crash may have saved a man’s life.
Josh Poole, a paramedic from North Scott County Ambulance District, saw a car that had crashed into a ditch and stopped to help. KFVS12 reports the ditch was about 15-20 feet deep and the man was trapped in his car. The water was up to his chest.
Poole carried the man up to the embankment, where he waited for an ambulance.
“I was the lucky one to be at the right place at the right time to make that difference,” said Poole. “Some people call me a hero ... I’m just like anyone else walking down the street; I just got that chance to make that difference.”
Poole said this was not his first off-duty rescue.