Emergency department staff are often buried with work — and medical control doctors are no exception. They are often preoccupied with a slew of other pressing issues and concerns in the ED.
So make sure that you utilize efficient and effective communication when contacting your online medical control doctor. Immediately try to get the doctor’s attention by giving specific, crucial details and asking the vital questions. You should be able to paint a vivid picture of the situation, while quickly detailing your intentions for treatment options.
Here’s just an example of effective communication: “My patient is pinned between the engine and door and is apneic and pulseless. Her airway is inaccessible due to positioning. The monitor shows an idioventricular rate of 5. Request permission to stop any resuscitation efforts.”
Effective communication will ensure that the important details are shared, so that the best consultation can be given, as well as reducing the amount of time spent discussing treatment options.