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Pa. man arrested after assaulting EMTs

He shoved two EMTs and took a swing at another after they found him lying in a pool of his own vomit

WILLIAMSTOWN, Pa. — A man was arrested Sunday night after he attacked the EMTs who revived him.

PennLive reported that Chistopher Keith Strine-Lebo, 27, shoved two EMTs and took a swing at another after they found him lying in a pool of his own vomit at the top of a flight of stairs in his home.

EMTs revived Strine-Lebo, who was found lying near several syringes and other drug paraphernalia, but he quickly became agitated, according to the report.

One EMT was almost sent toppling down the stairs after he pushed him, according to the report. He also tried to punch a third EMT as medical personnel made way for police.

Strine-Lebo was charged with one count of aggravated assault, two charges of harassment, simple assault, reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct for fighting and public drunkenness, according to the report.

Additional charges may be forthcoming and he is being held in a county prison on a probation detainer, according to police and jail records.