SPRINGFIELD, Mass. — A firefighter who suffered a heart attack while rescuing an elderly man is expected to survive.
MassLive.com reported that Lt. Brian Tredo, with the Springfield Fire Department, suffered a heaFire-Ert attack after helping the 72-year-old victim who mistakenly lit a cigarette while his oxygen tank was on and uncapped.
This caused the machine’s catheter and the area around the machine to catch fire. The man suffered burns down the right side of his body.
Lt. Tredo was rushed to the hospital when he collapsed after emerging from the fire with the burn victim. He took off his air mask and offered it to the victim in a smoke-filled hallway, according to the report.
Lt. Tredo is stable and recovering at the hospital.
The apartment sustained about $10,000 in damage and 12 to 18 additional apartments sustained water damage.