By EMS1 Staff
CHICAGO — A Hatzalah Chicago paramedic’s SUV was stolen, along with life-saving medical equipment, when the paramedic driving it stopped at a convenient store.
Block Club Chicago reported that the SUV was parked outside of a 7-Eleven and contained equipment worth $30,000 when it was stolen.
The Ford Escape contained a heart monitor worth $25,000, as well as medications and other life-saving items, according to paramedic Schlomo Starck, who said the theft was an “urgent matter.”
The paramedic who was driving the SUV at the time was not injured in the incident.
“He’s just really, really upset, to say the least, because this puts him out of service until he can get his equipment back,” Starck said.
Starck added that if the SUV and equipment are not found, the group will have to raise a lot of money to replace them.
“It’s going to be a big hit to the organization if we can’t find this equipment,” he said.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call 847-454-0800.