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Paramedics must guard against unique stresses of the job

By Mary Riley
Copyright 2008

KAWARTHA, Ontario — All emergency service workers suffer from critical incident stress, by the very nature of their jobs.

But, as the recent EMS Week wrapped up, Kawartha Lakes EMS Supervisor Ron McMillan discussed the unique aspects of such stress for paramedics.

It’s not a contest between police, fire or EMS professions as to which has the most critical stress to deal with. But, Mr. McMillan says studies have shown that paramedics are exposed to critical incident stress differently, because of their intense involvement with the people in their care.

“We’re often in pairs, just two of us, and we’re in and out of a scene quickly,” he explained. “From the moment we get there, the involvement with the patient is immediate and very intense. We’re at the scene, and with them while transporting them to the hospital, and caring for them [throughout].”

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