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SC cops honored for saving man’s life

The officers administered CPR and were able to revive the man and keep him breathing until emergency medical workers arrived and took him to a local hospital

Anderson Independent-Mail

LAVONIA. S.C. -- Two Lavonia police officers are the recipients of one of the department’s highest honors.

At Monday’s city council meeting, Police Chief Bruce Carlisle presented a special commendation and medals to officers Sheldon Mayfield and Blake Andrews for their part in saving the life of a man last month.

It happened Sept. 7 at a home on Jones Street. Carlisle said a man was found on the floor of his apartment and was not breathing. The man’s name has not been disclosed.

Mayfield and Andrews administered CPR and were able to revive the man and keep him breathing until emergency medical workers arrived and took him to a local hospital.

“There’s a couple of reasons for that,” Carlisle said. “One, they’re all trained in emergency medical treatment. Secondly, they can usually get there quicker than the ambulance can. That gives the EMT’s something to look for so they know they’re in the right spot,” Carlisle said.

Mayfield has been on the Lavonia Police force for two years, Andrews has been a police officer for just a year.

After the meeting, Carlisle presented a medical to each officer to wear on his uniform.

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