By EMS1 Staff
DENVER — EMTs were reunited with a woman who suffered a seizure and went into cardiac arrest during a ski trip vacation.
The Denver Channel reported that Polly Warring, a mother to six kids, was on a ski trip over the New Year’s holiday when she started feeling ill. She ended up having a seizure and going into cardiac arrest.
EMTs performed CPR and defibrillated Warring for 15 minutes while en route to the hospital.
“I definitely did not want to leave Colorado without thanking the people who did it [saved my life] and letting them know they did a good job doing it; and it wasn’t that I survived and I’m in a bed somewhere on a tube, I’m going to go back and live a vibrant life with my kids,” Warring said.
EMT Bill Clark said most patients don’t get to thank the person who saved their life.
“It’s really painful when it happens to anybody, but when you hear potentially six kids lost their mom at Christmas, that was really heart-wrenching so to see her today and to see how happy she is and to see her go home to her six kids. It’s incredible,” Clark said.