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The Code Green Campaign

Breaking the Silence

The Code Green Campaign calls a ‘code alert’ on the mental health of EMTs and paramedics by breaking the silence about mental illness in EMS by sharing the stories of those who have been there. The Code Green Campaign has selected this story and we are glad to share it with EMS1 readers. Learn more about the Code Green Campaign.

I hope to one day not be judged, blamed and made to feel less than human for something that I am truly trying my best with
I saw your parents in the waiting room and knew they were about to get the worst news of their lives
You will not burden us by speaking up, by telling us how you feel, or asking for help
I have been told that I don’t have PTSD since I’ve never been threatened or witnessed these incidents in person
I come from a family that has a significant history of depression and PTSD, and I always swore it would never happen to me
This job does eat away at me every day; there have been days that the toll is taken in one fell swoop
New songs are regularly added to the Spotify playlist to inspire, encourage and entertain EMTs and paramedics
If I close my eyes, I can bring myself to that beach and remember the dog, the boyfriend, the hot sun and her blonde hair
After nine years in fire and EMS thinking nothing could affect me, an event made me realize that I wasn’t doing that well after all
“Sometimes I hate who I am — so much so I wish for an easy escape”