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Digital Edition: Safe transport, from point A to B

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There are several steps involved in the process of moving patients out of their location, into the ambulance and to their destination, each with the potential for error or accident to cause harm to the patient or the providers assisting them.

In this series, we explore equipment, tools, strategies, research and training in three areas along the patient transport journey. Download and share this resource, sponsored by Binder Lift, with your colleagues. Inside, you’ll find:

  • Dr. Douglas F. Kupas and Matt Zavadsky share how to debunk the biggest myths supporting overuse of lights and sirens – which research has proven saves little time and almost triples the chance of crash during patient transport.
  • Chief Marc Bashoor outlines the importance of training for traffic incidence management in the face of roadside incidents.
  • Tim Nowak and Courtney Levin share how to implement back, cost and time-saving patient lifting and transportation devices into your service.

Read and share this digital edition with your colleagues to start a conversation today about how to improve patient and provider safety at your organization.