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EMS1 columnists cover a wide range of topics to fulfill our mission to provide those in EMS with the information and resources they need to provide better patient care and safely serve our communities.

Our expert columnists represent and write to the needs of paramedics, EMTs, EMS students, and paramedic chiefs and EMS administrators from agencies of all sizes and service types.

EMS1 columnists have a range of experience including health services researcher, terrorism preparedness coordinator, practicing defense attorney, clinical EMS preceptor, hazmat technician, critical care flight paramedic, state EMS director, ambulance service chief operating officer, chief EMS officer and fire captain, as well as EMT and paramedic for military, private and governmental EMS agencies.

They are MHA, PhD and MD-educated, and board-certified in Emergency Medicine and EMS Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine.

They serve in leadership positions on local, state and national EMS organizations, including the National Association of EMS Physicians; NAEMT; the National EMS Education Standards Project; Fitch & Associates, Page, Wolfberg & Wirth; FirstWatch; The Code Green Campaign; the Center for Systems Improvement; the Priority Ambulance Leadership Foundation; Limmer Education; MEDIC Training Solutions; the American Heart Association; and Emergency Medical Solutions, LLC.

EMS1 columnists are frequent speakers at regional and national EMS conferences, including TEDx, and have contributed to the profession with published research and works including the “Emergency Care” textbook, “SUCCESS! for the Critical Care Paramedic,” “A Paramedic’s Story: Life, Death, and Everything in Between,” and “Mobile Integrated Healthcare – Approach to Implementation.”

Publication on is the best way for EMS leaders, paramedic chiefs, educators and training officers, as well as field EMTs and paramedics to reach the largest audience of EMS providers in the United States.

Before sending an article idea or manuscript to EMS1, review these important author guidelines. Submissions will be vetted based on author experience and editorial need. Not all submissions are accepted. All articles are subject to review, with revisions returned for author approval.

A 24-foot box truck struck three Comstock Fire Department vehicles and a Kalamazoo sheriff’s office cruiser before rolling over and coming to rest
Syracuse Officer Michael Jensen and Onondaga County Lt. Michael Hoosock were killed in a shooting during which the two agencies were unable to get on the same radio channel
Green Bay Metro Fire Department Engineer/Paramedic Tyler Kreiter served the community for 17 years
The new Bernalillo County policy aims to support first responders dealing with trauma, allowing them to “find the best alternative ... best medicine for them”
Harris County ESD11 Mobile Healthcare developed 10 commandments to set initial expectations while onboarding 200 paramedics
Equipped with advanced skills and telehealth integration, APPs bring life-saving interventions and community outreach to underserved populations
The 9th annual What Paramedics Want survey wants to hear from medical first responders, EMTs and paramedics about their career satisfaction, health and wellness
Which of these viral TikTok fitness trends will you try next?
The short answer: Yes. And Dr. Jaime Brower offers the tools to make it happen.