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Responder Knowledge Base Enhances Training and Education Features

In February 2011, the Responder Knowledge Base (RKB), released updates in order to enhance its mission as a trusted source of online information about first responder products, standards, certifications, grants, and other equipment-related information. While most changes are content-related, the RKB did implement a few technical updates.

In order to provide first responders with information on continuing education and to use RKB as a research tool, a Training & Education module was implemented. This module, found under the “Other Content” tab, previously provided only training information; however, the RKB now presents information regarding degree programs that are offered by universities and technical schools throughout the United States. First responders will find information about degree programs such as: Emergency Management, Public Safety, Domestic Security, Disaster Sciences/Management, Homeland Security, Fire Science/Technology, and Rescue Science Technology. At this time, the RKB is the only Web site that offers a comprehensive listing of emergency-response related degree programs.

The Safety Notices module, also located under the “Other Content” tab, is now organized by notice date. As a result, users can easily search for a safety notice by release date, rather than having to scroll through all of the records to find the appropriate notice. In addition, products that have a safety notice associated with them will be signified and the safety notices will also appear in the Knowledge Links section of the Product Details page.

Throughout the Web site, users will find that thumbnail images have been instituted in order to provide a visual of specific records. Images have been added to the Certifications & Declarations, Publications & References, Standards, and Training & Education sections. In addition, grants without a specific due date will be symbolized with an ongoing grants icon. Previously, this icon was only visible in the Grants calendar, but now appears on the Grants Results Page, as well as individual grant records.

As an increased security measure, the RKB has implemented an inactivity tool—meaning that users will be logged out of the RKB after 20 minutes of inactivity. Please note that inactivity is defined as the length of time that two different pages are displayed.

In addition, the RKB would like to highlight that we achieved a significant milestone by attracting our 75,000th registered user on February 10, 2011. The achievement of this significant milestone is highlighted on the RKB Home page.

The RKB welcomes feedback and suggestions and input can be submitted via the Provide Feedback option, located under the Help link. For additional information, e-mail the RKB at or call 1-877-336-2752.