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20 more ways to tell you work in EMS

Have you ever answered 10-4 when your significant other asks you to do something?

First we brought you the Top 20 signs you’re in EMS. Next came 20 more signs you’re in EMS. Now, due to popular demand, we bring a a fresh list top 20 list. Be sure to share your own in the member comments section!

1.You’ve ever sat in an ER restroom, sewing the crotch of your uniform back together with 4-0 prolene.

2.You’ve ever blown the doors off of a police cruiser, and gotten away with it.

3.You have ever answered 10-4 when your significant other asks you to do something.

4.When being driven somewhere by your significant other, you drive them crazy by yelling “clear right” at every intersection.

5.You refer to frequent flyers and are not talking about air travel.

6.You believe EMS in general proves Murphy’s Law beyond a reasonable doubt.

7.Your ambulance isn’t as well stocked as your personal vehicle.

8.At any given moment, you have at least three forms of communication on you (ie pager, cell phone, radio, minitor, etc...)

9.You baste the holiday turkey by IM injection.

10.You ignore what people say when it is preceded by “I may just be an ______, but I think that...” (Insert Explorer, Observer, Probie, Basic, or Newbie as appropriate.).

11.Your idea of gambling is a blood alcohol level pool instead of a football pool

12.You have ever had a patient control his seizures when offered some food.

13.You have ever had a patient look you straight in the eye and say “I have no idea how that got stuck in there”.

14.You lay out your clothes from that day so if there is a call at night you can find them quickly.

15.When you always order your fast food to go because if you order it for here you will jinx it.

16.The sickest patients live at the end of the hall farthest from the elevator and the heaviest patients live on the top floor of the walk-up.

17.If you have ever answered the phone at home with “Station”.

18.On some shifts, YOU are sicker than most of your patients.

19.When you walk into a store and hear a high pitched beep and stand still waiting for the rest of the tone to go off.

20.When you know which gas stations don’t require you to make a purchase to use their bathroom and inform dispatch that IS your posting location.