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Cutbacks leave NC county non-emergency transports at risk

County looking for solutions; offering overtime to employees in meantime

By Jason Gonzales
Star News Online

WILMINGTON, N.C. Cutbacks by a private ambulance company have left Brunswick County’s emergency medical services in a bind after the company recently announced it would no longer be able to handle nonemergency medical transportation service in the county. In response, the county implemented a short-term plan this week, offering overtime to employees and some part-time work to staff the service.

The scramble has officials looking for a long-term plan, and EMS Director Brian Watts said he thinks he has the solution to filling the hole left by the company, Amera-Tech of North Carolina. Watts is proposing the county create its own nonemergency services division to help carry residents with specific medical transportation needs to and from appointments. This would eliminate the need for the county to contract with an outside service.

Full Story: Brunswick County Ambulance Proposal Raises Questions